SolarPACES 2024

Instructions for Oral Presentations

Please note that the presenting authors must be registered by September 1, otherwise the presentation will be removed from the program, even if you have uploaded your presentation to the fourwaves platform. 

Register here

Time and Schedule

  • The detailed program showing the time and place of your session is published on the conference website.
  • Regular oral presentations should be 20 minutes long including 3-5 minutes of discussion time. Please make sure to not exceed the time allotted for your presentation!

Formatting Instructions

  • Presentations in 16:9 .ppt format, pptx. format and .pdf format will be accepted. If your presentation was created with an Apple device, please test the file on a Windows PC to make sure that it is correctly displayed.
  • Avoid any external links in your presentation. The presentation computers do not have an internet connection.
  • Non-standard fonts should be embedded.
  • All images and graphs must be embedded without links.
  • Past experience shows that video clips often cause technical difficulties. If you intend to use video clips, please double-check their validity when handing in your presentation

Media Upload

  • All oral presentations should be uploaded in advance to the Fourwaves platform by October 4 at 23:59 CEST.
  • All oral presentations must be handed in at the Media Upload Desk on site at the conference.
  • Please upload and check your presentation thoroughly in advance and at least one hour before your session starts.
  • You will not be able to display your presentation directly from your laptop computer or memory stick. All presentations must be uploaded to the conference system in advance.
  • Please meet your session chairs inside the conference room at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of your oral session and familiarize yourself with the technical equipment. Please provide the session chair with a very short bio (2-3 sentences), so they may properly introduce you.

Important: Please make sure that your presentation and memory stick do not contain computer viruses of any kind. If you hand in an infected memory stick, you will be asked to return with a virus-free memory stick.

Detailed instructions for oral presentations